How to Make Netherite Ingot in Minecraft

How to Make Netherite Ingot in Minecraft

How to Make Netherite Ingot in Minecraft

Pada tutorial ini, kami akan memberitahukan kepada kamu mengenai cara membuat Netherite Ingot di Minecraft langkah demi langkah dengan Screenshot.

In Minecraft, Netherite Ingot is a rare and powerful material in Minecraft that can be used to create gear and weapons that are stronger than Diamond, increase their durability, and maintain the enchantment level on items.

In addition, Netherite Ingots can also be used to add fire effects to attacks made and increase the attack capabilities of weapons. Although it requires several stages of processing to obtain, Netherite Ingot is very useful for improving players’ ability to survive and explore the world of Minecraft.

So let’s find out how to make Netherite Ingot in Minecraft.

Materials Needed

To craft Netherite Ingots in Minecraft, you’ll need the following list of items:

4 Gold Ingot
4 Netherite Scrap
1 Block of Netherite

How to make Netherite Ingots in Minecraft

You can follow the steps we have provided below. This is how to make Netherite Ingot in Minecraft.

Open Crafting Table

Place 4 Netherite Scrap and 4 Gold Ingots or 1 Block of Netherite

Place 4 Netherite Scraps and 4 Gold Ingots or 1 Block of Netherite on the Crafting Table in order.

To create Netherite Ingots, the position of each item must be placed in the right pattern as shown in the image.

There are two patterns that you can use to create Netherite Ingots.

First Pattern: 4 Netherite Scraps and 4 Gold Ingots

Second Pattern: 1 Block of Netherite

After adding items to the Crafting Table in the correct pattern, the Netherite Ingot will automatically appear in the right box.

Take Netherite Ingot

Finally, take the Netherite Ingot and move it to Inventory.

Items That Can Be Crafted With Netherite Ingots

You can use Netherite Ingot to craft items:

Block of NetheriteNetherite Helmet
Netherite SwordNetherite Chestplate
Netherite AxeNetherite Leggings
Netherite PickaxeNetherite Boots
Netherite HoeLodestone
Netherite Shovel

Other Ingot Types

You can also create other types of Ingots in Minecraft such as:

Iron Ingot
Gold Ingot
Netherite Ingot
Copper Ingot

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