Guillaume de Fondaumière, CEO of Quantic Dream, revealed that Star Wars Eclipse would retain Quantic Dream’s game fundamentals, even though the game is an action-adventure.
This information was first published by IGN during an exclusive interview with de Fondaumière. If you’re interested in more games from Quantic Dream, you can check out our other articles here.
Star Wars Eclipse Will Retain Fundamentals of Quantic Dream’s Game
Speaking with IGN Japan, Guillaume de Fondaumière has confirmed that Star Wars Eclipse will maintain what is expected from the studio.
I think with each new title we try to innovate, we try to explore new ground. With Star Wars Eclipse, we’re certainly going to keep the fundamental elements of a Quantic Dream game; a very strong story, very strong characters, multiple playable characters, and of course, giving the players the possibility to change, through their actions and decisions, how the story unfolds.
Guillaume de Fondaumière, CEO of Quantic Dream
Quantum Dream is famous for its story-driven games, such as Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human. Star Wars: Eclipse was officially revealed at The Game Awards 2021, with the game promising “action-adventure, multi-character branching narrative game set in the High Republic era of the galaxy The iconic Star Wars.”
Where the formula is changing, we said very clearly we are doing an action adventure, so the action elements are also going to be very important. This is something we’ll be able to speak about in the future but keep in mind, that it’s an action adventure.
When we met with [Lucasfilm], we met with them because it was about Star Wars. And because with David [Cage], we wanted to do a Star Wars game, that particular franchise with whom we grew, discovered, and were in awe as children.
When we had the opportunity to work on Star Wars we said yes immediately because we were drawn to it. But we will continue to do what we do best, which is passionately work, and craft our game with a lot of attention to detail, and with Star Wars Eclipse, we want to bring a whole new original story to the Star Wars universe.
Guillaume de Fondaumière, CEO of Quantic Dream
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