Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Registered with Korean Rating Agency

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Registered with Korean Rating Agency (2)

Source: ATLUS / SEGA

Recent reports have revealed that Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is registered with South Korea’s Game Rating and Administration Committee (GRAC).

This information was published by Gematsu. If you are interested in ATLUS games, you can check out our other articles here.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Registered with Korean Rating Agency

Gematsu reported that GRAC had released the rating of the latest version of Shin Megami Tensei V, but the rating was removed after publication.

According to the rating description, this is the complete edition of Shin Megami Tensei V with improvements and additional content.

Rumors of a “Complete Edition” surfaced in June 2023, where Diandong Langke Lu Xun, a user on the A9VG forums, teased an upcoming announcement from ATLUS.

Xun had previously rightly hinted at some of the following announcements:

In 2021, Shin Megami Tensei V was part of one of the games that appeared in the leaked NVIDIA GeForce NOW database. Someone also managed to find PS4 and PC references from the Shin Megami Tensei V datamine results.

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