Rockstar Games turns on FBI to investigate hackers behind GTA VI leaks

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Continuing the latest news from Rockstar Games. We got more information about the 90 leaked GTA VI videos that have spread during this week. After confirming the authenticity of the leak, Rockstar Games has reportedly asked the FBI to investigate the hacker behind the GTA VI leak. So, what happened next? Let’s follow the latest gaming news here.

A leaker named Teapotuberhacker has reportedly managed to post over 90 GTA VI gameplay videos on the GTAForum page (Opens in a new tab). He claims that this 3GB leak was taken by him through hacking via Uber. There are a lot of surprising details including the playable female character and the city setting of Vice City. This is the biggest leak case in Rockstar Games’ history.

FBI Goes After Hackers Behind GTA VI Leaked Video

In an open letter released on Twitter, Rockstar admitted that it was disappointed that GTA VI was announced in such a way. Nevertheless, development continues as usual. On the other hand, Take-Two as the parent company started taking DMCA action against those who shared the video on various platforms. However, who would have thought that Rockstar Games would bring in the FBI to investigate the person responsible for hacking the GTA VI leak.

In the information we get through Eurogamer, the hacker named Teapotuberhacker is also said to be responsible for leaking data from the Uber online transportation application. The company contacted the US government to involve the FBI in the investigation. This decision was made by Rockstar Games, which also fell victim to leaked early build data for its latest game.

The Hacker Is One of the Members of the Lapsus$ Hacker Group

“Reports we received over the weekend say that the same actor also breached video game developer Rockstar Games,” Uber wrote in a blog update. “We are coordinating closely with the FBI and the US Department of Justice on this matter to continue to support the search efforts.” Uber believes the Teapotuber hacker is also “a member of a hacking group called Lapsus$ that has become increasingly active over the past year.”

In March this year, BBC News reported on a 16-year-old teenager from Oxford known online as “White” or “Breachbase”, he was accused of being one of the leaders of Lapsu$. The true identity of “White” was revealed by another hacker, and he was one of seven arrested by London police. “I’ve never heard of this,” said the perpetrator’s father. “He never talked about hacking, but he knew computers well and spent a lot of time with them. I always thought he was playing a game.

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