Elden Ring wins GOTY at Japan Game Awards 2022

Elden Ring Wins GOTY at Japan Game Awards 2022 | Bandai

Elden Ring Wins GOTY at Japan Game Awards 2022 | Bandai

Over the past few days, Bandai Namco has again become a hot topic of discussion by many gamers. As usual, they came up with the latest news surrounding their game Elden Ring. Not content with the praise it has received during its release, Elden Ring won GOTY at the 2022 Japan Game Awards. What plans did they come up with next? Let’s follow the latest gaming news here.

Released on February 24, Elden Ring has been named the fastest selling game in FromSoftware’s history. Not only that, they also managed to achieve total sales of 16.6 million copies since its release. Thanks to this success, Hidetaka Miyazaki the creator of this game managed to dominate the CEDEC Awards 2022 event. But who would have thought it wouldn’t stop there?

Elden Ring Receives Game of the Year (GOTY) Grand Prize at Japan Game Awards 2022

According to the information we got from the official Twitter account, the game developer FromSoftware has won the Game of the Year (GOTY) award at the 2022 Japan Game Awards. As you can see, the decision was implemented directly through a public vote of the Media and players in Japan. It is said that “Everything about this game is perfect. It’s a God-level game.”

In addition to the GOTY award, there is also a Game Designer award that is shown specifically to a group of Japan’s top game makers. Super Smash Bros series creator Masahiro Sakurai dominated the nominations, which also included PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya, NieR series creator Yoko Taro, and Shu Takumi of Capcom’s Ace Attorney. On the other hand, the card game Inscryption just won the Game Designers Award for the latest Fracnhise.

List of Japan Game Awards 2022 Award Winners:

Here is the full list of Japan Game Awards 2022 award winners:

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to try the game, then now is the perfect time. To that end, Elden Ring itself is already available via PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series, PS4, and PS5 platforms. As usual, PC users can purchase the game through the Steam Store page. What do you think, can Elden Ring hold his position until The Game Awards 2022, which is later this year?

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