5 Rarest Minecraft Spawns You’ll Have a Hard Time Finding

Spawn Minecraft Terlangka jpg webp

Spawn Minecraft Terlangka | via Aesthics

Rarest Minecraft Spawns – If you love playing Minecraft, you’re probably familiar with the term Spawn. Spawn is the point of appearance of both the player and other organisms in the game. Spawn is more commonly used for the term when spawning animals or mention the appearance points of creatures other than players in Minecraft such as Villagers and Raider. Spawn locations are not fixed in one spot and can change at any time.

This time we’re going to talk about the rarest Minecraft spawns. The spawn here is the appearance of a very unique animal or mob that is only encountered with a fraction of a percent chance throughout the game. If during the game you can easily encounter white sheep and pink axolotls, then you will find very little chance of encountering pink sheep naturally.

Now, Gamedaim is going to give you a list of the 5 rarest Minecraft spawns that will be very difficult for you to find. Are you curious about what they are? Without further ado, let’s get straight to the meat of the matter.

5 Rarest Minecraft Spawns

1. Blue Axlolotl

Blue Axolotl | via Minecraft Wiki

We start this list with the rarest of all animal spawns, the blue Axolotl. The Axolotl is a passive water mob endemic to the Lush Cave Biome that preys on most other water mobs. Axolotls lay their eggs underwater in the Lush Cave Biome and when there are clay blocks less than five blocks below the emergence site. Axolotls come in five different colors: pink, brown, gold, cyan, and blue. When breeding Axolotls, there is a 0.083% chance of the offspring having the blue mutation.

The axolotl is a small salamander endemic to Mexico, which is threatened with extinction. Following Mojang Studios‘ trend of adding endangered species such as polar bears, giant pandas, turtles, and bees, axolotls were added to the game to raise such awareness. The probability of occurrence of a blue axolotl is 1 in 1200 hence the estimated number of axolotls remaining in the wild in real life. The blue variant was a suggestion from user Darkiceflame on the Reddit Minecraft Suggestion Box community.

2. Baby Zombie Villager Jockey

Baby Zombie Villager Jockey | via Minecraft Forum

The second rarest Minecraft spawns is the Baby Zombie Villager Jockey. This spawn is probably the rarest of the spawn mobs, the Baby Zombie Villager Jockey is much less likely to spawn, and you can even finish the game without ever encountering one of them. While Chicken jockeys aren’t really considered individual mobs, this one’s Spawn is still considered two mobs combined into one.

Chicken Jockey is a rare sighting of a naturally occurring Baby Zombie or other variant riding a chicken. Only 5% of normal adult zombies appear as adult Zombie Villagers. On top of that, another 5% of 5% chance of spawning a Baby Zombie Villager. Therefore, even encountering a Baby Zombie Villager riding a chicken makes you one of the lucky ones as it only has a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001991202975% chance of appearing without using any cheats.

3. Skeleton wearing Diamond Armor

Skeleton wearing Diamond Armor | via Reddit

The third rarest Minecraft spawns is the Skeleton with Diamond Armor. Throughout the history of Minecraft, only a few lucky players have come across Skeletons wearing full Diamond Armor. Some Skeletons that appear, such as zombies, can pick up items that have been dropped by players, such as weapons and armor. But these don’t count as Skeletons that Spawn naturally. The chance of Skeleton appearing with Iron Armor alone is quite rare.

But to find a naturally occurring Skeleton equipped with a full set of Diamond Armor from head to toe is about one in a million. Usually, skeletons that appear equipped with armor have unaligned armor, such as Iron Helmet and Chainmail Chestplate, as these are randomly selected. Therefore, it was highly unlikely to find a Skeleton that not only wore a full set of Armor but also had every piece of Diamond-class Armor.

4. Pink Sheep

Pink Sheep | via SportsKeeda

The fourth rarest Minecraft spawns is the natural Pink Sheep. A pink sheep might not sound too rare as sheep are one of the most common passive spawns in Minecraft. However, this is not the case with pink sheep. Even if players can freely change the color of an ordinary sheep by dyeing its wool, it is still not considered a naturally occurring sheep. Typically, sheep in Minecraft appear with white wool, light grey wool, grey wool, black wool and brown wool.

White sheep has an occurrence rate of 81.836%, while light grey sheep, grey sheep and black sheep each have a 5% chance of occurrence. Brown sheep are considered unusual as they only have a 3% chance of occurring naturally. Pink sheep are the rarest naturally colored sheep to appear as they only have a 0.164% chance of appearing. What also makes pink lambs even rarer is that they only have a spawn rate of 0.0082%.

5. Brown Mooshroom

Brown Mooshroom | via Reddit

The last rarest Minecraft spawn is the brown Mooshroom. Naturally, mooshrooms themselves are already quite rare. Mooshroom is a rare variant of the common cow that is as useful as any other common cow, except for the visible fungus surrounding its body. Mooshrooms are considered one of the rarest monsters in Minecraft because they can only appear in one specific Biome, and that’s only in the Mushroom Field Biome.

Since mooshrooms only appear in the rare Mushroom Fields Biome, they are usually considered rare monsters. However, adult mooshrooms commonly appear as red and white cows with two red mushrooms growing on their backs and another one on their heads. But this is not the case with brown mooshrooms. The brown mooshroom is rarer than its red variant. While red mooshrooms appear naturally in the Mushroom Fields Biome, brown mooshrooms can only appear when red mooshrooms are struck by lightning.

And that was the list of the 5 rarest Minecraft spawns that Gamedaim has compiled for you. If you know of any rarest minecraft spawns that didn’t make the list, don’t forget to add them in the comments section.

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