For some people, calculating the DMG that a character produces in Genshin Impact is not that important. Namun, beberapa Traveler menganggap bahwa DMG merupakan sebuah perhitungan yang cukup rumit. For this reason, there are currently several providers of the Genshin Damage Calculator.
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How to Use the Genshin Damage Calculator

Using the Genshin damage calculator itself is not too difficult. Because some of these feature providers already have a system that will make it easier for users to input various data.
To make it clearer, here’s how to use it:
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Here’s how to use the Genshin Damage Calculator to calculate the DMG your characters produce.
open Genshin Impact Calculator website

First, you need to visit the following site.
Choose a Character

After that, select the character you want to see DMGs for, for example, Hu Tao.
Enter Requested Data

Now, you can enter the existing data into the column. Make sure this data matches the existing characters.
See the Results

Finally, you just need to view the available results.
that’s how to use the Genshin Damage Calculator. If you have any questions or anything, don’t hesitate to write them down in the column that we have provided. Be sure to share this article with your friends.