There are so many games on the PC platform that can use a cheat. Starting from Grand Theft Auto, Need For Speed, and others. But not only games like that, because famous Adventure games like The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim on the PC platform can also use a cheat.
For information, Skyrim is an Action RPG game that tells the story of a character who visits the world of Skyrim to save the world by defeating a dragon that has the goal of destroying the world. There are many things you can do in the world of Skyrim, such as walking around or doing quests/missions.
Well, on this occasion Gamedaim Tips will provide information about Skyrim cheats. By using this cheat, you will simplify the gameplay of this game itself. Here are The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Cheats in full Indonesian! Check below.
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How to Use Skyrim PC Cheats

If you still don’t understand or know how to use the cheats, you can follow the tips we provide below.
To activate the cheats, all you have to do is press the Keyboard key “~” above the Tab. This button is useful for opening the console developer and entering the set of cheat codes you want to use. You can enter the cheat code in uppercase or lowercase letters.
Be aware that some cheats may cause bugs or result in lag or crush. Therefore, make sure to save different games and not turn off autosaves in the main menu.
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Cheats Full

The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC cheat | Cheat |
List of All Commands | help |
God Mode | tgm |
Increase Level | advancepclevel |
Increasing the Level Indicated by One | player.incpcs [skill name] |
All Spells | psb |
Adding to the Soul of the Designated Dragon | player.modav dragonsouls [number] |
Adding a Designated Perk | player.addperk [ID number] |
Add a Designated Spell | player.addspell [ID number] |
Designated Item Name | player.additem [ID number] |
Increase the amount of gold | player.additem 0000000f [number] |
Increase the Number of Designated Lockpicks | player.additem 0000000a [number] |
Setting the Player Level | player.setlevel [number] |
Setting Skill Level | advancepcskill [skill name] [number] |
Managing Health | player.setav health [number] |
Managing Magicka | player.setav magicka [number] |
Manage Stamina | player.setav stamina [number]. |
Managing Fatigue | player.setav fatigue [number] |
Manage Load | player.modav burden [number] |
Managing Carry Weight | player.modav carryweight [number] |
Setting Character Fame | setpcfame |
Managing Player Vices | setpcinfamy |
Set Target Ownership, allowing you to take it without stealing. | setownership |
Setting the High Amount for Fighting, “0” is free. | player.setcrimegold [number] |
Set the Player Scale, default “1”. | player.setscale [number] |
Setting the Display Field | fov [number] |
Opening Arvak the Skeleton Horse | player.addspell 0200C600 |
Opening Locked Doors / Selected Containers | unlock |
Locking Selected Doors with Locking Tiers | lock [1-100] |
Selected High Skills | advskill [skill] [number] |
Complete all rounds of investigation | caqs |
Item Duplication, click the container or NPC and copy the RefID | duplicateallitems |
Killing the Chosen Enemy | kill |
Killing the Nearest Enemy | killall |
Cheat Road at Selected Sites | coc [location] |
Teleport for Target Investigation | movetoqt |
Increase Movement Speed (Percent) | player.setav speedmult [number] |
Add Items with 1 or 2 Magic | playerenchantobject [object id] [mgef id #1] [mgef id #2] |
Return Player HP to Full | player.resethealth |
Returns the Targeted NPC’s HP to Full | resethealth |
Discard All Items from Selected NPCs | removeallitems |
Reset NPCs to Original Inventory | resetinventory |
Target Rod Restructure | resurrect |
Toggle All Map Marks | tmm [0 or 1] |
Changing Gender | sexchange |
Ejecting NPCs | player.placeatme [ID NPC] |
Display IDs for Friends or NPCs | help “[ NPC Name] “ 4 |
Setting Designated NPCs as Important | setessential [ID NPC] 1 |
Set the Target Refraction Amount, “0.0” normal, “0.000001” invisible, “1.0” full refraction. | str [number] |
Start All Investigations, possibly changing the storyline. | saq |
Organize Space with All Items | coc qasmoke |
Search by Keyword | help keyword [number] |
Free-Flying Camera | tfc |
Enabling Control During Cut Scenes | enableplayercontrols |
Diverting AI Detector, easy to commit theft. | tdetect |
Diverting AI | tai |
Diverting Collisions | tcl |
Redirecting the Artificial Intelligence War | tcai |
Diverting FOW | tfow |
Diverting Grass | tg |
Switching Menus | tm |
Race Menu | showracemenu |
Save Game | savegame [file name] |
Game Exit | qqq |
ADD ITEM: player.additem 00039be5
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Healing Potions
- 00039be5 Potion of Ultimate Healing
- 00039be4 Potion of Extreme Healing
- 0003eae3 Potion of Vigorous Healing
- 0003eadf Potion of Plentiful Healing
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Cheats: Misc Potions
- 000f84b3 Prime Elixir of Escape
- 000f84b2 Grand Elixir of Escape
- 000f84b1 Elixir of Escape
- 000e2d3d Ice Wraith Bane
Filled Soul Gems
- 0002E4E3 Petty Soul Gem
- 0002E4E5 Lesser Soul Gem
- 0002E4F3 Common Soul Gem
- 0002E4Fb Greater Soul Gem
- 0002E4FF Grand Soul Gem
- 0002E504 Black Soul Gem
Empty Soul Gems
- 0002E4E2 Petty Soul Gem
- 0002E4E4 Lesser Soul Gem
- 0002E4E6 Common Soul Gem
- 0002E4F4 Greater Soul Gem
- 0002E4FC Grand Soul Gem
- 0002E500 Black Soul Gem
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Cheats: Weapons
- 00012EB7 Iron Sword
- 0001359D Iron Greatsword
- 00013989 Steel Sword
- 00013987 Steel Greatsword
- 000139A1 Elven Sword
- 0001399F Elven Greatsword
- 000139A9 Glass Sword
- 000139A7 Glass Greatsword
- 00013999 Dwarven Sword
- 00013997 Dwarven Greatsword
- 00013991 Orcish Sword
- 0001398F Orcish Greatsword
- 000139B1 Ebony Sword
- 000139AF Ebony Greatsword
- 000139B9 Daedric Sword
- 000139B7 Daedric Greatsword
- 03014FCE Dragonbone Sword
- 03014C9F Dragonbone Greatsword
- 0401CDB8 Stalhrim Sword
- 0401CDB6 Stalhrim Greatsword
(Tested and works with 03 and 04)
Cheat Skyrim Arrows
- 000E738A Rusty Arrow
- 000139C0 Daedric Arrow
- 000139BF Ebony Arrow
- 000139BE Glass Arrow
- 000139BD Elven Arrow
- 000139BC Dwarven Arrow
- 000139BB Orcish Arrow
- 0001397F Steel Arrow
- 0001397D lron Arrow
- 00034182 Ancient Nord Arrow
- 00038341 Falmer Arrows
Dawnguard Arrows
- 030098A1 Sunhallowed Elven Arrow
- 030098A0 Bloodcursed Elven Arrow
- 0300FF03 Dragonbone Arrow code #1
- 030176F4
(Tested and works with 03)
Dragonborn Arrows
- 04017720 Riekling Spear
- 04026239 Stalhrim Arrow
(Tested and works with 04)
Cheat The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Bows
- 000139B5 Daedric Bow
- 000139A5 Glass Bow
- 000139AD Ebony Bow
- 0001399D Elven Bow
- 00013995 Dwarven Bow
- 0001398D Orcish Bow
- 0003B562 Long Bow
- 0010E2DD Hunting Bow
- 00013841 Imperial Bow
- 00038340 Falmer Bow
- 000302CA Ancient Nord Bow
- 03000BB3 Steel Bolt
- 0300D099 Dwarven Bolt
(Tested and works with 03)
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Cheats: Armor
- 00013922 Leather Helmet
- 0003619E Leather Armor
- 00013921 Leather Bracers
- 00013920 Leather Boots
- 00013914 Hide Shield
- 000F6F24 Steel Horned Helmet
- 00013954 Steel Helmet
- 00013952 Steel Armor A
- 000F6F22 Steel Armor B
- 00013951 Steel Cuffed Boots
- 00013955 Steel Shield
- 0001395E Steel Plate Helmet
- 0001395C Steel Plate Armor
- 0001395D Steel Plate Gauntlets
- 0001395B Steel Plate Boots
- 0001391D Elven Helmet
- 000896A3 Elven Armor
- 0001392A Elven Gilded Armor
- 0001391C Elven Gauntlets
- 0001391A Elven Boots
- 0001391E Elven Shield
- 0001394F Dwarven Helmet
- 0001394D Dwarven Armor
- 0001394E Dwarven Gauntlets
- 0001394C Dwarven Boots
- 00013950 Dwarven Shield
- 0001393B Glass Helmet
- 00013939 Glass Armor
- 0001393A Glass Gauntlets
- 00013938 Glass Boots
- 0001393C Glass Shield
Skyrim Cheats Misc
- 0006BC04 Saber Cat Tooth
- 0003AD6D Sabre Cat Pelt
- 0003AD6E Snow Sabercat Pelt
- 0003AD52 Bear Pelt
- 0003AD53 Cave Bear Pelt
- 0003AD4 Snow Bear Pelt
- 0006BC02 Bear Claws
- 0003AD90 Deer Hide
- 000CF89E Deer Pelt
- 0003AD74 Wolf Pelt
- 000D4B35 Fox Pelt
- 0003AD75 Ice Wolf Pelt
- 000D4BE7 Snow Fox Pelt
- 000FE6A9 Werewolf Pelt
- 0003AD74 Wolf Pelt
- 0003AD8E Goat Hide
- 000DB5D2 Leather
- 000800E4 Leather Strips
- 0006BC0A Large Antlers
- 006BC0B Small Antlers
- 000E7ED0 Hawk Feathers
- 000E7EBC Hawk Beak
- 000889A2 Dragon’s Tongue Flower
- 0006B689 Hag Raven Claw
- 0003AD66 Hag Raven Feathers
- 0003AD72 Troll Fat
- 00059B86 Nirnroot
- 000B701A Crimson Nirnroot
- 0006AC4A Jazbay Grapes
- 0003AD76 Vampire Dust
- 0003AD60 Void Salts
- 0003AD5E Fire Salts
- 00034CDF Salt Pile
- 0006F993 Firewood
- 00034CD6 Linen Wrap
- 00057A7A Skooma
- 00033760 Charcoal
- 000B18CD Human Heart
- 00063B5F Spriggan Sap
- 0003AD71 Taproot
- 00034CDD Bone Meal
- 0006BC00 Mudcrab Chitin
- 000516C8 Deathbell Flower
- 0003AD70 Saughterfish Scales
- 0003AD6A Ice Wraith Teeth
- 000F11C0 Dwarven Oil
- 00033761 Roll of Paper
- 0004C3C6 Inkwell
- 0402B04E Chitin Plate
- 04017749 Heart Stone
(Tested and works with 04)
Skyrim Cheats Gems
- 00063B47 Diamond
- 00063B43 Emerald
- 00063B42 Ruby
- 00063B44 Sapphire
- 00063B46 Amethyst
- 00063B45 Garnet
- 0006851E Flawless Amethyst
- 0006851F Flawless Diamond
- 00068520 Flawless Emerald
- 00068521 Flawless Garnet
- 00068522 Flawless Ruby
- 00068523 Flawless Sapphire
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Cheats Dragon
- 0003ADA3 Dragon Scales
- 0003ADA4 Dragon Bones
- Player.modav dragonsouls #
# = whatever number you would like
Skyrim Cheats Daedric
- 0003AD5B Daedra Heart
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Cheats Amulets
- 000C8911 Amulet of Akatosh
- 000CC848 Amulet of Arkay
- 000C8915 Amulet of Dibella
- 000C8917 Amulet of Julianos
- 000C8919 Amulet of Kynareth
- 000C891B Amulet of Mara
- 000CC844 Amulet of Stendarr
- 000CC846 Amulet of Talos
- 000878BB Amulet of Zenithar
- 0005ad93 Corundum
- 0005ad99 Orichalcum
- 0005ace4 Iron
- 0005ace5 Steel
- 0005ad9d Ebony
- 000db8a2 Dwarven Metal
- 0005ad9e Gold
- 0005ADA0 Quicksilver
- 0005ADA1 Malachite
- 0005AD9F Moonstone
- 0005ACE3 Silver
Skyrim Cheats Ores
- 00071CF3 Iron
- 0005ACDB Corundum
- 0005ACDC Ebony
- 0005ACDE Gold
- 0005ACE1 Malachite
- 0005ACE0 Moonstone
- 0005ACDD Orichalcum
- 0005ACE2 Quicksilver
- 0005ACDF Silver
- 01003043 Clay
- 01005A69 Glass
- 0100303F Goat Horns
- 01003011 Hinge
- 01003035 Iron Fittings
- 01003012 Lock
- 0100300F Nails
- 0100306C Quarried Stone
- 0100300E Sawn Log
- 01005A68 Straw
(Tested and works with 01)
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Cheats Psijic Robes
- Robe: 00065B94
- Hood: 00065B99
- Gloves: 00065B9D
- Boots: 00065B9B
Dawnguard Codes
- 015A1E Soul Husk Extract
Dragonborn Codes
- 0401cd7c Netch Leather
- 0401cd72 Netch Jelly
- 04017719 Albino Spider Pod
- 0401771F Damaged Albino Spider Pod
(Tested and works with 04)
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC Cheats Dragon Claws
- 000B634C Coral Dragon Claw
- 000AB375 Diamond Claw
- 0005AF48 Ebony Claw
- 000ED417 Emerald Dragon Claw
- 0007C260 Glass Claw
- 000999E7 Golden Claw code #1
- 00039647 Golden Claw code #2
- 0008CDFA Iron Claw
- 000AB7BB Ivory Dragon Claw
- 0004B56C Ruby Dragon Claw
- 000663D7 Sapphire Dragon Claw
Dragonborn Dragon Claws
- 0401CAC0 Amethyst Claw, Left Half
- 0401CAC1 Amethyst Claw, Right Half
Well, that’s just information about Cheat The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim PC complete Indonesian language. By using the cheat code above, you can complete various challenges in the game. Keep visiting Gamedaim to always get the latest information about other Game Cheats.