
When will Sigma Game Maintenance be completed? Here’s the schedule and time of completion

When will the Sigma Game Finish Maintenance is a question that is being asked by Sigma game players. As is known, the Sigma game is very popular because it has similarities with the Free Fire game,

Starting in terms of gameplay, characters, weapons to buildings, everything is really similar to Free Fire. Even the buildings in this Sigma game are also the same as Free Fire, which does not have doors.

As a result, the Sigma Game was removed from the PlayStore and could not be played for a while. Until finally the Sigma game came back at the end of November 2022 and is still in the development stage. So that not all players can enter and play in it.

Well, recently there was news that the Sigma game was undergoing maintenance, of course, this could be a clue that the game will be released again on the PlayStore.

For this discussion, Gamedaim will discuss when the Sigma game finishes maintenance. For those of you who want to know the schedule and hours of completion, then you can see the full discussion below.

When will Sigma Game Maintenance be completed?

Launching from Sportskeeda, it is said that the Sigma game is currently undergoing maintenance. In the sense that the server is still active but is in the update stage by the Developer.

Previously, there were many rumors that the Sigma game would be released on December 17, 2022. This news certainly makes many Sigma game players happy because they can play it again.

Regarding when the Sigma game will finish maintenance, it can be estimated that this maintenance process will be completed on December 17, 2022, around 15.00 or 16.00 WIB. However, this is only a prediction and may take longer depending on the decision of the Sigma game developer.

Reportedly in the latest update this time, the Sigma game developer, Studio Arm Private Limited will present a massive update. Most likely they will make a number of changes so that the game is not too similar to Free Fire. Thus, the game can be released back to the PlayStore and can download Sigma directly without worry.

So that was the discussion about when the Sigma game finished maintenance. Don’t forget to keep following Gamedaim so you don’t miss other updated information about the Sigma Game from us.

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