Recent reports have revealed that Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name will release on consoles and PC on November 9, 2023.
The information was published by PSDeals (via Gematsu). If you are interested in the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio game, you can read other articles here.
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name Will Release on November 2023?
Gematsu reports that the PlayStation Store has leaked the description, screenshots, and release date of Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name akan rilis di PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS4, Xbox One, dan PC pada 9 November 2023.
Below is a leaked description:
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Once a legendary yakuza, Kazuma Kiryu faked his death and renounced his name to protect his family. Now, he is thrust into conflict by a mysterious figure who seeks to drive him from hiding.
Codenamed “Joryu”, Kiryu embarks on a gripping action narrative with electrifying combat in a location full of interesting characters and activities.
Dynamically switch between Yakuza and Agent fighting styles in intense melee combat.
In Yakuza style, strike fear into the enemy by unleashing aggressive moves backed by Kiryu’s unrivaled strength and talent.
Or up the ante Agent-style by delivering blows with absolute speed and precision, while using an array of high-tech gadgets such as electric zip wires to immobilize enemies and then send them flying.
Strategically adapt to the situation and utilize both styles to dominate and destroy the enemy horde.
Whether you’re fighting in the Secret Castle arena, singing a new karaoke song, enjoying a drink at a live-action cabaret club, or racing on a pocket circuit, this world offers a variety of immersive experiences.
An intriguing informant named Akame also provides thrilling sub-missions, drawing you into epic battles that unfold the more you explore and enjoy Sotenbori, Yokohama, and the mysterious Castle.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio