Capcom has confirmed their plans to release more Resident Evil remakes in the future.
This information comes from Yasuhiro Anpo’s answer via the PlayStation Partner Awards 2023 (via IGN). If you’re interested in Capcom games, you can check out our other articles here.
Capcom: More Resident Evil Remakes to Come
Speaking at the PlayStation Partner Awards 2023, Yasuhiro Anpo was asked if Capcom wanted to continue making remakes of Resident Evil.
“Yes,” Anpo replied. “We’ve released three remakes so far and all of them have been very well received by players. Because it allows a modern audience to play these games, it’s something I’m happy to do as someone who loves these older games and we want to keep doing more.”
Anpo added, “What games we will remake in the future is something we intend to announce in the future, so please stay tuned.”
“When developing a new game, there’s no way of knowing what players will receive well and that makes it difficult. In the case of remakes, there are already players who have played the original game, which I think we can see as an advantage.”
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Anpo noted, “We are very grateful to the users who were vocal in expressing their opinions. This allows us to develop with players’ opinions in mind. For example, if this is how players feel, then maybe we can make it like this. I think this is one of the reasons why our remake was so well received by players.”
In the same Q&A session, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi said that remaking Resident Evil with an engine like RE Engine has its advantages.
“We use RE Engine for many of our games,” Hirabayashi replied. “It’s true that sharing information greatly benefits the speed of development.”