Capcom and Niantic have announced the release date of Monster Hunter Now, which is on September 14, 2023.
This information was announced by Capcom through its social media. If you are interested in Capcom and Niantic games, you can check out our other articles here.
Monster Hunter Now Description and Release Date
A total of 13 monsters will be available in the game at the time of worldwide launch: Great Jagras, Kulu-Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei, Barroth, Great Girros, Tobi-Kadachi, Jyuratodus, Paolumu, Anjanath, Rathian, Legiana, Rathalos, and Diablos.
These monsters will be found in unique habitats such as forest, desert or swamp areas. As the hunters explore their city, they will discover these habitats and find monsters that are specific to the area.
Weapons including “Sword & Shield”, “Great Sword”, “Long Sword”, “Hammer”, “Light Bowgun”, and “Bow” will be available at launch worldwide.
This collaboration between Capcom and Niantic has been going on for years and we can’t wait to bring the world of Monster Hunter to you.
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Monster Hunter Now will be released on iOS and Android on September 14, 2023.