The Day Before developer, FNTASTIC, officially closed down one week after the game’s Early Access launch.
FNTASTIC released this information through its social media. If you are interested in the state of the video game industry, you can check out our other articles here.
FNTASTIC is officially closed, why?
FNTASTIC has closed its studio one week after the Early Access launch of The Day Before. According to FNTASTIC, the game’s financial failure was the reason for the closure.
The Day Before rilis sebagai game Early Access untuk PC (Steam) pada 8 Desember 2023 dengan ulasan “Overwhelmingly Negative“. Saat artikel ini rilis, FNTASTIC telah menarik pembelian game tersebut.
FNTASTIC expected The Day Before to remain in Early Access for 6-8 months, but now that they are closed, the future of this game is unknown to us. The game’s servers will remain online for now.
Below is the official statement from FNTASTIC:
Gamedaim Hadir di TikTok! Ayo Follow kami di @gamedaimcom dan dapatkan berbagai konten menarik seputar dunia game.
Today, we are announcing the closure of the FNTASTIC studio. Unfortunately, The Day Before has failed financially and we do not have the funds to continue. All revenue received is being used to pay off debts to our partners.
We invested all our efforts, resources and man-hours into developing The Day Before, which was our first major game. We were eager to release a new patch to reveal the full potential of the game, but unfortunately, we didn’t have the funds to continue the work.
It’s important to note that we took no money from the public during the development of The Day Before; there were no pre-orders or crowdfunding campaigns. We worked tirelessly for 5 years, pouring blood, sweat and tears into the game.
Currently, the future of The Day Before and Propnight is unknown, but the servers will remain operational.
We apologize if we did not meet your expectations. We have done everything within our means, but unfortunately, we miscalculated our capabilities. Creating a game is a very challenging endeavor.
We thank everyone who has supported us during these difficult years. It’s been an incredible journey over 8 years:
2015: Opening of the studio
2017: Release of The Wild Eight
2018: Release of Dead Dozen
2018: Release of Radiant One
2021: Release of Propnight
2023: Release of The Day Before
Around 200,000 players bought The Day Before, but half of them refused to buy it
In an image of a leaked Telegram chat with FNTASTIC CEO, Eduard Gotovtsev, 46% of players chose to refund for The Day Before. Simon Carless noted that the game initially sold 201,000 copies, but nearly 92,000 of them were refunded.
What’s more, The Day Before had no sales at all in the few days since its release. The number of players dropped by 75-80% on the first day and on the second day, the game dropped out of Steam’s global best-selling games list.
“This game… did not pay off,” FNTASTIC’s data reads, adding that The Day Before performed “worse” than Propnight.
Below is the official statement from MYTONA regarding the refund issue:
To all The Day Before players: As investors of The Day Before, we would like to provide some updates on the current situation surrounding the game.
We apologize that the game did not meet the expectations of most players. Today, we’ll be working with Steam to open up refunds for any players who choose to refund.
We have been in contact with FNTASTIC regarding the future of this game.