Blue Reflection Sun Sets to PC and Mobile!

Gust dan DMM Games telah mengumumkan bahwa Blue Reflection akan rilis di PC dan Mobile pada musim dingin 2022.

Sumber: Gust/DMM Games

Gust and DMM Games have announced that Blue Reflection Sun will release on PC and mobile in winter 2022.

This information was officially announced by Gust through their social media. If you’re interested in Gust games, you can check out our other articles here.

Blue Reflection Sun Sets to PC and Mobile

Blue Reflection Sun’s “Heroic RPG” will be released on iOS, Android, and PC (DMM Game Player) in winter 2022 in Japan. The game will release as a free-to-play title with item-based in-app purchases.

The closed beta test for iOS and Android will take place from December 2 – 9 with 3,000 applicants selected to participate. If you are interested, you can register through this link.

Below is the description of Blue Reflection Sun:

It all started a year and a half ago.

The day when “ashes” suddenly started raining down on the world. Just another natural phenomenon.

Or so we thought.

We eventually learned that ash is a “toxic substance that attacks the body”.

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