The TI 2022 Grand Final was officially held on Sunday (28 October 2022), a match between Tundra Esports vs Team Secret for the 11th Aegis of Champions title.
Starting the journey from the Group Stage, to the Main Stage, and the TI 2022 Grand Final, the struggles of the Tundra Esports team finally paid off. The last dramatic match in the TI 2022 Grand Final was won by the Thundra Esports team and made them the champions of The International 2022.
With that, the 11th Aegis of Champions title is held by the Tundra Esports team with a Prize Pool of $8,449,032 or approximately 131 Billion Rupiah.
Meanwhile, Team Secret had to go home in 2nd place with a Prize Pool of $2,440,871 or around 37 Billion Rupiah.
Read also:
Grand Final TI 2022: Tundra Esports Destroy Team Secret 3 – 0

Previously Tundra Esports and Team Secret had met in the Upper Bracket Final and were won by Tundra Esports with a score of 2 – 1. Even so, Team Secret didn’t want to give up so quickly, they continued their journey through the Lower Bracket Final against Team Liquid.
Team Secret knocked out Team Liquid with a score of 2 – 1 and made it to the Grand Final to rechallenge Tundra Esports.
This time in the TI 11 Grand Final, Tundra Esports and Team Secret competed again in a BO5 (Best of Five) format, in which case stamina counts for quite a bit. Because BO5 matches will be very draining for the players. Moreover, Team Secret had just finished facing Team Liquid, so they must have been feeling a little tired.
Without experiencing many difficulties, Tundra Esports managed to slaughter Team Secret with a score of 3 – 0.
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The Offlaner from Tundra Esports, 33 managed to play very well, even arguably 33 really lifted all three matches. GGGG adalah singkatan dari "Good Game" yang sering digunakan dalam dunia game. Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk mengakui keunggulan lawan atau mengucapkan selamat kepada lawan setelah pertandingan berakhir. Meskipun GG umumnya digunakan dalam konteks permainan online, tetapi juga dapat digunakan dalam pertandingan offline.Penggunaan GG dalam dunia game memiliki beberapa makna. Pertama, GG digunakan sebagai tanda penghargaan dan penghormatan terhadap lawan yang More To Tundra Esports for playing so well. They are indeed a team that deserves to win TI 2022.
Meanwhile Team Secret had to go home in 2nd place, Nice Try Team Secret, especially Nisha who fought her hardest. But unfortunately still not able to lift the Aegis of The International.

So that was some discussion about TI 2022 Champion Tundra Esports. Don’t forget to follow Gamedaims so you don’t miss other useful information and tips about the Dota 2 game, friends.