The Sims 4 Cheats for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

The sims 4 cheats

The sims 4 cheats

The Sims 4 is one of the series of the best-selling franchise The Sims on the PC platform. This game by The Sims Studios was first released in 2013. The game is published by Electronics Arts on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One platforms.

Just like in the previous series, in The Sims 4, we can also use several cheat codes. This time Gamedaim Tips will give you the cheat code. This is The Sims 4 Cheats for all platforms! Check below.

The Sims 4 PC Cheats!

the sims 4 cheats for pc

The Sims 4 Cheats: Shift+Click

Game PackTargetPathEffect
Base GameSimCheat need > Make happySets all your Sim’s motives to full and mood to Happy
Base GameSimCheat need > Disable need decayAllows or stops Sims from Need changes
Base GameSim / ObjectReset objectWorks on Sims and objects to reset their status
Base GameSimAdd to familyAdds a Sim to your currently played family.
Base GameSimModify in CASModify the Sim in Create-a-Sim aside from name and inherited traits
Base GameObjectMake clean/dirtyUse on an object to make it dirty or clean
Base GameGroundTeleport SimShift+Click on the ground to teleport a Sim to that point.
Base GameObjectMake headUse on an object to stick it on top of your Sim’s neck like a horrible chimera
Base GameMailboxUtilitiesChange the power and water consumption or production on the lot.
Base GameMailboxAlter needsTurn off needs for the world or household or fill all needs.
PetsAnimalGive quirkGive a fear or love TV quirk to an animal.
PetsFood bowlFillRefill your pet’s food for free.
Discover UniversityRobotics TableSpawn crafting suppliesGives you 50 of everything in the current Sim’s inventory.
Eco LifestyleVoting Board/MailboxEnact/Repeal NAPInstantly enact or repeal a Neighborhood Action Plan.
Eco LifestyleVoting Board/MailboxGive Sim InfluenceGain Influence needed for Neighborhood activities.
Eco LifestyleSim/Fabrication MachineGive bucks > Bits/PiecesGet 500 Bits of Pieces currency
BatuuSimBatuu Cheats > Give Batuu ItemsGet Batuu items for free
BatuuSimBatuu Cheats / Batuu ReputationSet your allegiance with the First Order or Resistance.
BatuuSimBatuu Cheats > Faction World StatesSet world state to First Order or Resistance.
BatuuRey / Kylo RenAdd to familyLike other Sims, you ccan add Rey or Kyle Ren to your family.
Cottage LivingAnimalCheat relationship > Set max friendshipBecome besties with your animals.
Cottage LivingAnimalGet all Animal ClothesUnlocks all outfits for your animal.
Cottage LivingGroundCreate animalSpawn in a rabbit, chick, hen, or rooster.
Cottage LivingChicken coop / Rabbit homeSpawn rabbit/chicken/eggSpawn in any of those mentioned.
Cottage LivingFridgeAnimal treatsUnlock animal treat recipes.

The Sims 4 Cheats: Money

The Sims 4 Cheats: Build

The Sims 4 Cheats: Skill

If you want to use this cheat, you type the cheat “stats.set_skill_level skill_name 0-10“. for example: stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 5

The Sims 4 Cheat: Career

The sims 4 career


The Sims 4 Cheats: Disease

Here are the disease cheats from the Get to Work Expansion Pack:

The Sims 4 Cheats: Trait

Game PackTrait CodeTrait Effect
Highschool YearsSociallyAwkwardBuild Charisma skill more slowly and struggle with social situations.
Highschool YearsPartyAnimalEnjoy parties and perform party tricks.
Highschool YearsOverachieverRaise skills faster but are harder to get along with as friends.
Werewolvestrait_WerewolfPack_FriendBBecome a friend of the Wildfangs pack
Werewolvestrait_WerewolfPack_FriendABecome a friend of the Moonwood Collective pack
Werewolvestrait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTraitInitial relationship boost when introduced to werewolves.
Werewolvestrait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBloodEnhances werewolf growth.
Werewolvestrait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolfAdds the Dormant Wolf trait
Werewolvestrait_occultwerewolfBecome (or unbecome) a Werewolf
Cats & DogsAttractionRelationships with animals begin higher
SeasonsStormchaserYour Sim loves terrifying weather!
SeasonsWaterproofYour sim won’t get wet, even in the rain
SeasonsIceManIceproof Sims are not negatively affected by cold
SeasonsBurningManBurn proof Sims love the heat
SeasonsHeatAcclimationSim is less affected by hot conditions
SeasonsColdAcclimationSim is less affected by cold conditions
SeasonsScoutingAptitudeEarn Scouting experience faster
SeasonsFatherWinterBabyYour Sim is…Santa’s baby?
Get FamousWorldRenownedActorNever fail at an Acting action
Get FamousUnstoppableFameNever experience Fame decay
Island Livingtrait_BeachBum_LaidBackNever become Tense
Island Livingtrait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_ElementalIncrease the quality of plants and summon volcanic bombs
Island Livingtrait_NaturalSpeakerGreat at enthusing other Sims
Island Livingtrait_FriendOfTheSeaBecome friends with dolphins and merpeople easier
Island Livingtrait_OccultMermaidBecome a merperson
Island Livingtrait_OccultMermaid_MermaidFormToggle a mer tail on land
Eco Lifestyletrait_ChampionOfThePeopleGain Satisfaction when you gain Influence
Eco Lifestyletrait_EcoEngineerCreate Eco-Updates faster
Eco Lifestyletrait_MasterMakerFabricate items at reduced cost
Eco Lifestyletrait_Nature_InfluentialIndividualOther Sims will be more Influenced by this Sim
Eco Lifestyletrait_eco_masterInspire other Sims to become Eco-conscious
Eco Lifestyletrait_entrepreneurThese Sims like taking chances on investments
Eco Lifestyletrait_FizzyheadBecome focused while using the juice Fizzer
Eco Lifestyletrait_makerNPCInspire fabrication recipes for other Sims
Snowy EscapeTrait_AdventurousThese Sims seek out new and unique experiences
Snowy EscapeTrait_ProperThese Sims tend to disapprove of other Sims’ improper behavior
Snowy EscapeTrait_Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank[1/2/3]Higher stages grant better odds on rockclimbing and excursions
Snowy EscapeTrait_CorporateWorker_CharismaticCroonerGet along better with coworkers, improves singing
Snowy EscapeTrait_CorporateWorker_LegendaryStaminaEnergy will drain more slowly
Snowy EscapeTrait_SurvivalInstinctEscape wildlife attacks unwounded, resist weather, and avoid injuries from outdoor activities
Snowy EscapeTrait_WorldlyKnowledgeBetter at socializing in Social Events, can negotiate a discount at market stalls
Cottage Livingtrait_Nature_CountryImproves relationship with animals, causes animals to live longer, more plant yield, free grocery delivery
Cottage Livingtrait_AnimalEnthusiastWill seek animal company, care for and improve relationship with animals more easily
Cottage Livingtrait_LactoseIntolerantWill become sick after eating dairy, will feel great after avoiding it

Shortcut in Sims 4


how to use:

The following emotions can be added/deducted:




The sims 4 vampire | ea



Write this cheat to workers/employees

Cheat retail benefits:






Well, that’s The Sims 4 Cheats for PC. By using the various cheat codes that we provide above, you can do various things. Starting from changing characters to doing various skills that you might not know before.

There is still a lot of PC Game Cheats that we haven’t given away. Therefore, always visit Gamedaim.

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