If you are playing Genshin Impact v3.1, then you must be familiar with their latest event. In the event, you have to find hampers that Mondstadt residents have scattered in various locations. To get these hampers, you can check the location of Genshin Impac Fecund Blessing Day 3.
For those of you who find it difficult to get to the location of Fecund Blessing, here are some places you can visit.
Genshin Impact Fecund Blessing Day 3
If you’re having trouble finding Fecund Blessing Day 3, Gamedaim has provided several locations that you can visit. For your information, Fecund Blessing is an event in Mondstadt.
Through this event, Travelers must search for Hampers that have been distributed by the residents of Mondstadt. After getting Hampers, you can decorate your shop in Cider Lake. In addition, there are also Primogems that you can earn by completing some missions.
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Fecund Blessing is one of the event contents in Mondstadt. Here’s the location of Genshin Impact Fecund Blessing Day 3:

So, those are some of the Fecund Blessing Day 3 locations that you can try to visit. If you get all of them, then you can receive Primogems and also some items as rewards.