Shigeru Miyamoto has given his response on why he dislikes stories in games.
This information was revealed by Miyamoto during an interview with IGN. If you’re interested in Nintendo games, you can check out our other articles here.
This is Shigeru Miyamoto’s response to not liking the story in a game
Speaking with IGN, Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that it’s not that he dislikes in-game stories, it’s just that he values gameplay above all else and believes that making gameplay fun is the best place, at least for him, to start when developing a new project.
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First of all, it’s not that a complex story isn’t necessary, that’s not what I’m saying at all. Story is one way to explain a game. For example, when it comes to interactive games, the experience is different for everyone. One of the most enjoyable things about PCs or computers is that they provide the same thing for everyone… That interesting aspect is something that you have to keep pulling at as you keep playing, and playing, and playing. I think this story is just another way to draw enjoyment from this experience.
Another way to focus on that enjoyment is to focus on the gaming experience that makes you try things over and over again. As I mentioned, story is one way to explain a game and when that goes well, sometimes people take the route when making their next game to start with story. For me, the initial story was how to make fun gameplay and that’s how I started thinking about and making games.
Shigeru Miyamoto, Representative Director at Nintendo
Miyamoto ended the thought by saying that he doesn’t believe that “stories are unnecessary, it’s just how I make games”.
Miyamoto then brought the discussion back to Super Nintendo World and used it as another example of his creative style.
Going back to the theme park, it has a lot of stories built up by Mario, but at the same time, it’s an interactive experience and doesn’t need a story. You go there and experience it, and in that way, I’m glad this theme park became that way.
Shigeru Miyamoto, Representative Director at Nintendo