Remedy Entertainment creative director Sam Lake has revealed that Quantum Break and Max Payne are not part of the Remedy Connected Universe (RCU).
Lake revealed this information during an interview with EW. If you are interested in Remedy Entertainment’s games, you can check out our other articles here.
Sam Lake: Max Payne and Quantum Break Not Part of Connected Universe Remedy
In the latest trailer for Alan Wake 2, Jesse’s brother Dylan claims to have met a man named Mr. Door. Dylan describes him as a multiverse traveler who endlessly “switches” between different realities. Now, we know that actor David Harewood will play Mr. Door.
One fan theory predicts that Mr. Door, or another version of him in another reality, is also Martin Hatch from Quantum Break.
Speaking with EW, Sam Lake addressed this theory and stated that Max Payne and Quantum Break are not part of the Remedy Connected Universe.
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This is a good question, how far can you trust anything Dylan says? Because he doesn’t feel like he belongs there in some ways. But how we approach the Remedy Connected Universe, the Control that exists in the same world, very little happens by chance or coincidence. Usually, there are rewards and meanings. So, I might assume that we are talking about the same characters, one way or another.
The easy and obvious answer is: Of our previous games, Max Payne and Quantum Break are not part of the Remedy Connected Universe. They are not part of Remedy’s plans.
That said, in a purely speculative, Easter Egg sort of way, I like the idea of allowing our audience to create theories. I don’t want to shoot them on that level.
We create possible questions and give ideas to people so they can form their theories. I think that’s a really fun part.
Sam Lake, Creative Director of Remedy Entertainment
Alan Wake 2 will release for PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC (Epic Games Store) on October 27, 2023.