tinyBuild and Redemption Road Games have announced that Kingmakers will be released on PC in 2024.
This information tinyBuild released via its social media. If you are interested in tinyBuild games, check out our other articles here.
Kingmakers Description
Kembali ke masa lalu ke era abad pertengahan yang dilanda perang dengan gudang senjata modern yang luas, ubah jalannya sejarah, dan selamatkan masa depan dalam sandbox aksi/strategi epik ini. Bangun kerajaan Anda, ambil senjata, dan pimpin ribuan pasukan ke dalam pertempuran besar yang disimulasikan secara real-time—sendirian atau dalam permainan kooperatif.
Beberapa fitur utama:
- Conquer the Past, Save the Future – You are the last hope in a dying world. Travel back 500 years, to medieval England, to change the course of a bloody war and maybe, if you’re lucky, prevent the apocalypse. Can you change the scale of history and create a new timeline?
- Groundbreaking Medieval Simulation – Every battle you participate in runs as a real-time simulation with thousands of soldiers fighting at the same time. Each soldier on the battlefield is controlled by a next-generation multi-threaded AI that controls their decision-making, pathfinding, and loyalty. This, combined with a unique procedural animation system, allows Kingmakers to offer an unprecedented level of character and combat loyalty.
- Bring Guns to a Sword Fight – How many swordsmen do you think you can defeat with an AK-47? This is your chance to find out. Use assault rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, armored SUVs, bicycles, attack helicopters, airstrikes, and more to make sure the change of history goes smoothly. Test your sharp shooting skills and create chaos on the battlefield.
- Conquer Alone or Team Up in Cooperative Play – Up to three friends can command their troops alongside yours, and join in your conquest in online co-operative play. Work together to destroy enemy stronghold defenses or defend allied strongholds against opposing hordes. Get ready for an epic medieval multiplayer experience like no other.
- Command Your Troops in Battle – Seamlessly switch between combat and issuing orders, at any time. While this system is easy to learn and use, the strategic possibilities are endless. Give direct orders to warriors or leave them to your petty officers, allocate legions of archers, swordsmen, spearmen, and cavalry, build fortifications, and plan your next move before plunging back into battle.
Kingmakers will be released on PC (Steam) in 2024.
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