All Black, Here’s What Ganyu and Shenhe’s Leaked Skin Looks Like

Ganyu and Shenhe's Leaked Skin


Soon, HoYoverse will again release skins for characters in Genshin Impact. Well, the three characters who will get their skins are Ganyu, Shenhe, and also Xingqiu. Furthermore, the appearance of the three character skins has been leaked.

Curious as to what the details are? Check out this review from Gamedaim below. Also, share this article with your friends so they don’t miss the latest information about Genshin Impact.

Ganyu and Shenhe Skin View

Based on the information available, the three characters get skins with a dominant black color. Even so, there is a mixture of dark blue and gold ornaments in both skins. In general, the three skins are almost similar to Keqing’s and Ningguang’s which were released a few years ago.

For now, the skins of the two characters have a 4-star, so there will be no special effects like Diluc’s skin. Now, considering that the skins are 4-star, there is a possibility that one of them will be released for free.

Ganyu and shenhe skin

Although the Ganyu and Shenhe skins are expected to be released to the in-game store as soon as update 4.4 arrives on January 31, 2024, players may be able to obtain Xingqiu’s outfit by participating in the main event later.

Well, that’s the information about the appearance of the Ganyu, Shenhe, and Xingqiu skins. What do you think about this? Let’s write in the column that we have provided. Also, share this article with your friends so they don’t miss the latest information about Genshin Impact.

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