Bloober Team has clarified the information surrounding the release status of Silent Hill 2 Remake along with some inaccurate translations and out-of-context statements.
This information was announced by Bloober Team through their social media. If you are interested in games made by Bloober Team and Konami, you can check out our other articles here.
Bloober Team Clarifies Status of Silent Hill 2 Remake
Bloober Team has clarified the information surrounding the release status of Silent Hill 2 Remake along with some inaccurate translations and out-of-context statements.
This comes after Bloober Team’s president, Piotr Babieno, interviewed the Polish website,, and reportedly said that the game is “technically ready”.
According to the interview, Babieno also said that Silent Hill 2 Remake is almost finished with its release and promotion schedule so they are currently dependent on other partners such as Konami.
As Bloober Team, we do not comment on rumors. However, this time we need to clear it up, as some recent statements have been taken out of context, due to inaccurate translations. Our company messages do not contain sales estimates of specific titles. The figures related to Silent Hill 2 refer to the potential success of the types of games we will focus on in the future.
It is also not true that we have announced that Silent Hill 2 is ready for launch. Regardless of the stage of development, all our activities are focused on obtaining the highest quality for the final product – the quality that Silent Hill 2 fans deserve. We are aware that players are waiting for more information about Silent Hill 2. As soon as that information becomes available, we’re sure that Konami, the game’s publisher, will share it with fans.
Thank you for your support and we will continue to do our best to provide high-quality games that provide the best emotional experience for players.
Bloober Team
Silent Hill 2 Remake will release on PS5 and PC (Steam).
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