Bandai Namco Threatens to Banned Unruly CNT Players!

Bandai Namco Ancam Banned Pemain Cnt Yang Nakal

Source: Bandai Namco

Recently Tekken 8 held a closed network test (not a beta) that gave some players access to unfinished parts of the game. Some clever users were able to extend their time in the test, but that might have stopped their competitive careers as those players could have been banned from future competitions.

For those of you who are curious about Bandai Namco threatening naughty CNT players, let’s take a look at the article below.

Bandai Namco Threatens CNT Players, Already Gave a Warning

Bandai Namco Entertainment’s Esports Twitter account has some news for those who have managed to hack their network tests. Although the team said that sharing an illegal version of the test is not allowed because it is against the law, they also talked to those who want to use it to make a profit in the competition.

“Note that if a player is caught entering CNT without permission, they may not be able to participate in the upcoming Tekken World Tour and other official tournaments.”

Not just a matter of black and white, but most likely Bandai Namco can distinguish some existing cases. The point is, for those of you who want to join the race in Tekken 8, maybe you need a little patience and don’t take the pirated version of the test. Because the pirated version must have been really old when Tekken 8 was actually released.

This isn’t the only problem this test has created for Bandai Namco, as it seems that someone went through the data and got the rest of the game’s character list (or at least most of it) from the code.

Capcom also did something similar for Street Fighter 6. People who reviewed the game or got early codes had to promise Capcom that they would not participate in some Street Fighter 6 tournaments for a whole year. One of the beta versions of the game was leaked, but it looks like Capcom didn’t release any special rules prohibiting people from playing competitively.

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