10 Games Like PUBG that are also fun to play on Android

Games Like PUBG

Pubg X Backpink

PUBG is a very popular game, you could say this game is the first game to enliven the battle royale genre in the gaming world. PUBG itself has been released since 2017 and there is already a mobile version, PUBG Mobile, which was released in 2019.

Initially PUBG Mobile was very exciting to play and this game was relatively light so it could be played on many cellphones at that time. But over time, PUBG Mobile updates more and more. Making the game has a very large size and requires a high-spec HP to be able to play it.

Thus, there are some players whose phones can no longer play it and are forced to stop playing the game. For that reason, in this article, Gamedaim will share with you a list of 10 games like PUBG that are also fun to play on Android phones.

10 Games Like PUBG

The list of games that we share on this list is similar to PUBG Mobile in terms of genres that both use the Battle Royale theme. Although the game mechanics may be slightly different, these games are no less exciting to play.

1. Free Fire and Free Fire Max

Free fire

Garena Free Fire or commonly known as Free Fire is a battle royale game developed by 111 Dots Studio and published by Garena for Android and iOS. This game has become a very popular game and is very busy being played by many players from various countries.

Because Free Fire presents the same gameplay as PUBG, only with a simpler concept. Where PUBG presents 100 players in the game, while Free Fire only presents 50 players permanently. So the game will be able to run faster.

In addition, the Free Fire game is also relatively lighter than PUB G Mobile. Although the graphics of this game are not as good as PUBG, the fun of playing is no less exciting.

And if you want to play games with good graphic quality, Free Fire also has Free Fire Max. This is the same game as Free Fire but with improved graphics quality.

2. Sigma FF

Sigma ff

Released at the end of 2022, Sigma FF is a game that is busy being played by many players. This is because this game has similarities with the Free Fire game which is certainly very popular. But interestingly, Sigma FF is able to present more interesting gameplay and the size of this game is very small. So that many people can play the Sigma FF game, including even potato spec HP users.

Regarding gameplay, for those of you who are familiar with the Free Fire game, then this Sigma FF game must be familiar when you play it. Because the gameplay in this game is very similar to Free Fire. Even one of the most iconic aspects of Free Fire, namely not having a door, is also followed by the creators of this Sigma FF game.

3. Call of Duty: Mobile

Call of duty mobile

Call of Duty is a popular game that originated in the 90s. This game is very exciting to play and now there is a mobile version, Call of Duty: Mobile. The gameplay presented in this game is no less exciting than PUBG.

Unlike PUBG, COD Mobile includes many popular multiplayer modes such as Hardpoint, Free For All, Gun Game, Sniper Only, Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy, Domination, and Frontline and there is also a Battle Royale mode.

Each game mode has a different level of difficulty and has its own ranking. This is what makes COD Mobile successful in attracting a lot of attention from gamers.

Especially for those of you who like to watch anime or anime fans, will definitely be interested in playing this game. Because COD Mobile often presents anime edition skins to its players.

4. Fortnite


Fortnite is the game that can best be called a game like PUBG. But that doesn’t mean this game is plagiarism, guys because Fortnite presents a different game concept from Battle Royale games in general. Whereas Fortnite adds building & crafting elements to the game. So players can build the things they want.

Fortnite game is also getting more famous since it often does a lot of collaborations with famous names. Take Marvel as an example, Fortnite often presents new characters when there is a new Marvel superhero movie that is busy.

In Fortnite, you can not only play Battle Royale mode, but you can also play many types of game modes that are very exciting in this game.

5. Apex Legends Mobile

Apex legends mobile

Apex Legends Mobile is a Battle Royale game with new innovations with a faster game concept. Before playing, players can first choose the character to use and each character has their own skills.

That’s the great thing about Apex Legends Mobile, you don’t just play with weapons. But you can also use the skills of the character you are using.

Apex Legends Mobile can be one of the right choices for those of you who are looking for the games like PUBG to play.


6. Creative Destruction Advance

Creative destruction advance

Creative Destruction Advance is a battle royale game that uses the same concept as Fortnite, Crafting & Building. In the game, you will compete with 100 other players to survive until the end.

You can build everything from walls, roads, bridges, and other creative things. With a variety of game modes and a weather system that can change as the game progresses, this game is very interesting to play.

7. Knives Out

Knives out

Knives Out is an FPS game that delivers fast and challenging gameplay with a very enjoyable gaming experience. It only takes you 15-20 minutes to complete a match and it’s comparable to PUBG or Fortnite.

This game was originally known as the PUBG Mobile game before the PUBG Mobile game was released. Because Knives Out was released earlier than PUBG Mobile and was inspired by the PUBG PC game which was then widely played by gamers around the world.

Developed by NetEase and the game has come a long way to date. Maybe the game is not as crowded as PUBG, but the gameplay presented by Knives Out will not make you disappointed.


Pixel’s unknown battle ground

The next PUBG-like game is PIXEL’S UNKNOWN BATTLE GROUND which is basically a PUBG game. It’s just that the graphic quality is a pixel, so it’s definitely lighter to play.

This one game is suitable for those of you who want to experience the PUBG game but don’t have a phone with adequate specs. Overall, there is little difference between the PIXEL’S UNKNOWN BATTLE GROUND game and PUBG. The most important difference between the two lies only in the quality of the graphics.

9. Grand Battle Royale: Pixel FPS

Grand battle royale: pixel fps

Grand Battle Royale: Pixel FPS is a PUBG-like game that also has pixel quality graphics. The characters that you use in Battle Royale: Pixel FPS are pixelated. Even so, the graphic quality displayed is good enough to play.

Interestingly, this game has many interesting modes for you to play. Among them are Battle Royale mode, zombie mode, hide and seek mode, and there are still other modes.

10. Pixel Gun 3D

Pixel gun 3d

Minecraft-flavored PUBG, I think that’s a more appropriate name for this game called Pixel Gun 3D. A game that presents many modes, ranging from Battle Royale, Zombies, War between clans, Among US mode, and many more.

You can use various types of characters from the available characters and you can also create your own characters. As I mentioned earlier, Pixel Gun 3D is a Minecraft game with a PUBG-like gaming experience.

So that’s a list of 10 PUBG-like games that are also fun to play on Android phones, hopefully the information we provide can be useful and useful. Keep following Gamedaim so you don’t miss other updated information about games from us.

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