Selain 20 game milik Bethesda, Xbox Game Pass juga bakal membawa 22 judul game Indie ke dalam layanan tersebut. Menariknya, akan ada banyak game dengan genre berbeda-beda yang siap Xbox rilis.
Lalu, apa saja game yang bisa kamu dapatkan di layanan ini nanti? Yuk simak artikel berikut sampai habis.
Daftar Game Baru di Xbox Game Pass
Sampai saat ini, Xbox Game Pass menjadi salah satu layanan yang paling berkembang. Pasalnya, siklus pergantian game dari layanan ini terbilang cukup menarik dan membuat para penggemar merasa penasaran. Kali ini, Xbox kembali merilis daftar game yang akan hadir. Apa saja itu? Simak sampai habis.
Game Baru di XGP
- Art of the Ralley from Funselektor Labs Inc. – Cloud and Console
- Astria Ascending from Plug in Digital, Artisan Studios – Cloud and Console
- Backbone from Raw Fury, EggNut – Cloud and Console
- Boyfriend Dungeon from Kitfox Games – Console and PC
- Craftopia from Pocketpair – Console and PC
- Dead Static Drive from Team Fanclub – Console and PC
- Edge of Eternity from Dear Villagers, Midgar Studio – Cloud and Console
- Hello Neighbor 2 from tinyBuild Games, Dynamic Pixels, Gearbox – Cloud and Console
- Library of Ruina from Project Moon – Cloud and Console
- Little Witch in the Woods from SKT, Sunny Side Up – Cloud and Console
- Moonglow Bay from Coatsink Software, Bunnyhug – Cloud and Console
- Narita Boy from Team17, Studio Koba – Cloud and Console
- Nobody Saves the World from Drinkbox Studios – Cloud and Console
- Omno from Studio Inkyfox – Cloud and Console
- Recompile from Dear Villagers, Phigames – Cloud, Console, and PC
- Sable from Raw Furty, Shedworks – Console and PC
- She Dreams Elsewhere from Studio Zevere – Console and PC
- STALKER 2 from GSC Game World – Cloud and Console
- The Ascent from Curve Digital, Neon Giant – Cloud, Console, and PC
- Undungeon from tinyBuild Games, Laughing Machines – Cloud, Console, and PC
- Way to the Woods from One Pixel Dog – Cloud and Console
- The Wild at Heart from Humble Bundle, Moonlight Kids – Console
Bagaimana? Apa kalian tertarik dengan game baru di Xbox Game Pass? Tulis di kolom yang telah kami sediakan yah.